to Consider
Check out the many collaborative ideas aimed at shaping a promising future for our City.
Preserve All Green Spaces
Instead of rezoning them to RC-G, designate them as special-purpose districts for recreational purposes. As communities intensify, these spaces will become critical for people to connect. Preserve green space and rezone it separately as a sign of good faith.

Honour the Municipal Development Plan (MDP)
By incentivizing builders to develop corridors and main
streets. Implement RC-G rezoning gradually after evaluating the implementation of the principles outlined in the Municipal Development Plan (MDP).

Direct the Administration to Have a Holistic Approach to Planning
To avoid unintended consequences. Work collaboratively with other departments to mitigate the following concerns:
a. Tree Canopy: Protecting the tree canopy is crucial for community aesthetics and environmental preservation. While new trees and shrubs will be planted in the limited green space remaining, evaluating the impact of the loss of mature trees on the environment is essential. Of note is the reduction in songbird habitat and the goal of reducing CO2 emissions as per The City’s Climate Change Strategy.
b. Snow Removal: In mid-block H-GO or RC-G zones, there's a concern about where snow can be shovelled. Moving it against the neighbouring fence may cause rot, structural and run-off issues; moving it to the street may cause mobility and access issues. With limited space, approximately 4 to 6 feet around the lot perimeter, it's unclear where large amounts of snow can be moved.
c. Parking - Transit options are limited in most neighbourhoods. It is unreasonable to think that there won’t be at least four cars with eight units. It is critical to consider public transport and parking in decision-making at least until we invest in world-class transit. Until then they will remain car dependent.
d. Drainage: Given the limited permeable surface on an RC-G lot, there's concern about how melting snow and rainwater will be absorbed. This raises the risk of potential impacts on neighbouring units' basements and the new development itself. Further, there are concerns about added pressure on stormwater systems. Ensure bylaw relaxation on soft scaping are not allowed. Prioritize over other pieces? Ie. To protect the tree canopy
e. Garbage and Recycling: With the potential for up to eight units (4 main and 4 secondary) on a single lot, it's essential to consider where up to 24 bins (minimum of 12) will be stored and where they will be placed for pick-up on the street. Will this impede essential service access like ambulance or fire services?
f. Privacy and Quality of Life of Neighbours: Factors such as 13 windows facing a single backyard or eight air conditioners near an older home's backyard significantly impact the quality of life for
neighbours. Thoughtful building standards should prioritize neighbour-friendly placement of windows and relocation of HVAC systems to the front side of the units to minimize the impact
on existing neighbours. The functionality of the trades aspects are considered at the DP stage to accommodate neighbour friendly – better amalgamations between DP and Alberta building code.

Revitalize and Prioritize the Role of Community in Planning:
Direct Administration and the ENGAGE unit to collaborate with The Federation, its members, and residents to revitalize the community's active role in planning. Planners, developers, and residents should work together to bring the best planning policies to Council for consideration.
a. Residents Want to be Engaged: Communities, like developers, are eager to be part of the conversation from the outset. They are deeply invested in their neighbourhoods and have dedicated substantial time to understanding the planning process. Through initiatives led by The Federation, many community associations have refined their planning committees, becoming more intentional and reflective of their residents. Calgary's unique asset lies in its community associations. Let's work together to elevate their reach. This could come in the hiring planning liaisons or additional resources to support The Federation's efforts.
b. Listening must occur before matters reach Council. Unintended consequences can happen by making motions at the end of public hearings. Further, this doesn’t always result in better
planning outcomes. Waiting until the public hearing to try to incorporate citizens' ideas is disingenuous to residents and City Staff. Consequences of decisions in the built environment can
last over 100 years, partnerships and collaboration are required to achieve sustainability goals while maintaining a high quality of life for all citizens.
c. Bolster the role of CA – For the past decade, the role of the community association has been devalued and demonized. There are 20,000 Calgarians who volunteer with the 156 community
associations. They are an asset – something we should invest in and collectively celebrate. In fact, as a Civic Partner, you invest in us to support ways to help introduce newcomers to community associations. Change has been happening; however, Community Associations are still painted with the same brush.
d. Develop Transparent Engagement Models: Millions of dollars are expended on "engagement." Constituents deserve clarity regarding how and when they are engaged. Engagement processes should be led by individuals trained in best practices, such as those outlined by the International Association for Public Participation (IAP2). For contentious issues, external firms without
conflicts of interest, specifically those not involved with developers in the Calgary area, should be engaged to solicit genuine input from all parties regarding the Administration's recommendations.

Source: The Federation of Calgary Communities