Ward 11 Rally
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Ward 11 residents are frustrated with the lack of representation from City Hall and their ward councillor. Residents do not feel like their input is reflected in Councils' decisions.
Let's build a future together that residents want.

City of Calgary Report - After the Ballot
The City of Calgary conducted a survey asking residents how they perceived the roles of councillors and there feedback on Council.
Here's some key exerpts:
After the Ballot: Public Engagement on Effective Representation in Municipal Government Report Back: What We Heard May 23, 2024. Find the full report here.
When asked about the perceived importance of specific Councillor roles, participants rated them all as important. However, meeting and communicating with those they represent and helping them solve specific local problems stood out as areas participants would like Councillors to focus their time and attention. Participants were asked if there are any other roles they think are important for a Councillor to do. The themes that arose from participants’ responses were similar to the actions identified previously:
- Representing their constituents’ wishes, concerns, and needs at the municipal level, putting aside their own ideas and those of other members of Councils and special interest groups. This is underscored by the fact that most participants disagreed their perspectives are reflected in Council’s decisions.
- Listening to and communicating with their constituents in a genuine way. Many participants shared their concerns that Councillors do not listen or pretend to listen without really being open to what constituents tell them.
- Ensuring good financial stewardship by ensuring City budgeting, spending and taxation is done responsibly and kept in check.
- Focusing on local/municipal issues such as ensuring City services are running well and directing Administration rather than on responsibilities of other levels of government.
The themes from participants’ ideas for improving how Calgarians are represented in municipal government decision making are:
- Improving Councillors’ engagement and communication with constituents by actively seeking their input through a variety of methods, being open to their input, and communicating better and more often with constituents. Many participants voiced a desire to have more opportunities to vote on important issues, changes, proposals and major decisions.
- Improving Councillors’ representation of their constituents’ wishes, concerns and needs in Council discussions and decisions. Many participants expressed that Councillors seem to vote in way that reflects their own opinions and perspectives rather than those of their constituents.
- Requiring Council to prioritize fiscal responsibility and focus on other municipal issues and responsibilities rather than spending time on those that are seen to belong to other levels of government.
- Improving transparency and accountability of Council in terms of Council decisions, reasons underlying Councillors’ votes, sources of campaign donations, and candidates’ political affiliations during the campaign period.
- Considering electoral reform and other system changes, such as looking at other types of electoral systems, decreasing the number of Wards, and instituting term limits

"Smart City Planning for Sustainable
Communities Matter

About Communities Matter
Communities Matter's purpose is to educate and represent all the citizens who do not feel they have representation at City Hall. We are a collective of volunteers eager to share information and resources on what citizens can do to accomplish community initiatives. Our goal is to connect communities and work together to accomplish our shared vision for Calgary. There are no organizations behind us, Communities Matter is 100% neighbours helping neighbours.
We are driven by a commitment to inform and empower residents on the critical issue of a blanket rezoning and development. We are volunteers dedicated to fostering informed civic engagement. We recognize the significance of City Council's decision on the proposed by-law as this sweeping rezoning, transitioning numerous neighborhoods from RG-1 to general zoning, holds profound implications for all residents.
We firmly believe in the power of collective action and collaboration. Together, we can amplify our voices and advocate for a more inclusive, transparent, and community-centered decision-making process. By fostering dialogue, sharing information, and facilitating engagement, we strive to ensure that every citizen's perspective is valued and considered.
Help us help communities to safeguard the interests and well-being of our neighborhoods. Together, let's work towards a city where the concerns and aspirations of every resident are heard and respected. Your participation is instrumental in shaping the future of our Calgary. We are stronger working together.
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